Please read this privacy policy carefully. It explains what information we collect about you and how we use that information. All the defined terms that are used in this privacy policy have the same meaning given them in training4impact’s terms of use

Our Privacy Policy covers the following:

  • What Information does Training4impact obtain and how do We use it?
  • Information We collect when You use Training4impact
  • How We secure Your Information
  • Correcting Your Information
  • Notifications and Updates to Privacy Terms
  • Can You Opt-out?
  • Terms of Use
  • Contacting Us including for Complaints

What information does Training4impact obtain and how do We use it?

Information to register as a User, Your Profile and Verification

  • Your information is the information that is required when You register on the Training4impact website and/or through the Training4impact Applications (the Training4impact website and/or Applications, or any of them, are hereinafter referred to as “Platforms”), as well as the information You opt to share. When You register with Training4impact, You are required to give Your name, email address, telephone number, and Your country.
  • Once a registered user of Training4impact, You may provide additional information in Your personal profile which describes You, including Your professional credentials, hospital affiliations, educational background, affiliations to professional associations and awards and recognitions. Providing additional information in Your personal profile beyond what is required at registration is entirely optional and can be updated or removed at any time.
  • After You have registered, You may also opt to be verified as a qualified doctor. Depending on the country in which You are licensed to practice medicine, requesting to be verified requires that You submit to Us certain details relating to Your medical license and/or submit to Us an image of yourself and Your workplace id card. If You are verified, We will store Your status as a verified doctor. Such information is stored in encrypted format and maintained on the server with Your user data and is marked as verified when information provided by You is validated.
  • We will store Your name, country and specialty on an unencrypted server. Your password is cryptographically hashed and Your email address is encrypted.
  • We collect and hold this information for the purpose of administering Your use of Our Platforms.

Information We collect when You use Training4impact

  • When You start using Training4impact, We receive additional digital data about You:
    1. We receive data about You whenever You use Training4impact such as visiting a Training4impact page, uploading or posting any content, click on or otherwise interact with content.
    2. When You post materials such as comments and photos on Training4impact, We may receive additional related data (or metadata), such as the time, and date when You took the photo. We do not receive data identifying the place where photo is taken.
    3. We will store your uploaded images, image captions, date created, number of times the tag is used, and common variations of image tags (such as misspellings. The Application stores both the original images as uploaded and a copy of the image as anonymised and displayed to users.
    4. We receive data from or about the computer, mobile phone, or other devices You use to access Training4impact or install Training4impact Applications. This may include network and communication information, such as Your IP address or mobile phone number, operating system, location, the type (including identifiers) of the device or browser You use, or the pages You visit. This information is collected and used in order to improve the Applications and Your user experience.
    5. We may obtain data from our affiliates or our marketing partners, customers and other third parties that help Us (or them) deliver sponsored content, and understand online activity.
  • We do not store IP addresses or location information relating to images uploaded by users.
  • Except for the purpose of remembering Your password if You have opted for this, We do not collect cookies. A cookie is a tiny little file that is stored on Your computer. It contains the address of the Website and codes that Your browser sends back to the Website each time You visit a page there.
  • You also have the option to invite colleagues to register with Training4impact so that they can also use the Platforms. If You opt to do this, the Application will access the address book on Your mobile device to enable You to choose which of Your colleagues You would like to invite to the Platforms. We only store the email addresses of those colleagues You invite to join the Platforms for the purpose of sending them an invitation email from Our server. We do not store your complete address book.
  • From time to time, We may survey Our users or solicit comments and opinions from Our users. You have the option to respond to Our inquiries. If You choose this option, the information will be used to learn more about healthcare to help improve Your experience on Training4impact and for other purposes. We only store this information in the aggregate with the exception of comments, which will be linked to Your user profile.
  • Information stored on Our server will not be accessible by third parties. We do not collect user level search activity or viewing activity. This is compiled only at an aggregated level, in order to help Us better understand how users are using our Platforms, so that We can optimize Your experiences.
  • We may also use the information provided by You to contact you from time to time to provide You with important information, push notifications and marketing promotions.
  • Training4impact’s Applications do not collect precise information about the location of Your mobile device.
  • Training4impact does not collect personal health information about individuals. Training4impact does not collect or maintain information that would associate a submission with a specific patient or individual.
  • We will disclose Information collected from You as outlined above, within or outside your jurisdiction, as follows:
    1. As required by law and/or legal process;
    2. When We believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect Our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or respond to a government request;
    3. with Our trusted services providers who work on Our behalf, do not have an independent use of the information We disclose to them, and have agreed to adhere to the rules set forth in this privacy statement; and
    4. if Training4impact is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, You will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our Platforms of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices You may have regarding this information.

How do we secure Your information?

  • We are committed to protecting the security of Your information. We use a variety of industry-standard security technologies and procedures designed to help protect Your information from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. Despite these measures, You should know that we cannot fully eliminate security risks associated with information and mistakes may happen.
  • The Platforms may contain links to other websites. The linked sites are not necessarily under the control of Training4impact and Training4impact is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other websites. If You decide to access any of the third-party websites linked to the Platforms, You do this entirely at Your own risk.

Correcting Your information

  • If Your personal information changes (such as address), or if You no longer desire to use the Platforms, You can update Your profile on the Profile pages of the Platforms or deactivate Your Account and/or un-install the Applications as referred to in below sections. Training4impact will endeavor to correct, update or remove Your personal data provided to Training4impact.

Notifications and Updates to Privacy Terms

  • We may update this Privacy Policy at any time, with or without advance notice. In the event of any change in the way We treat Your personally identifiable information, or in the Privacy Policy document itself, We will display a notice on the Platforms or send You an email, so that You may review the changed terms prior to continuing to use the Platforms. If You object to any of the changes to our terms, and You no longer wish to use the Platforms You may contact Training4impact to deactivate Your account. Unless stated otherwise, Our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that Training4impact has about You and Your account.
  • Using the Platforms after a notice of changes has been sent to You or posted on Our Platforms shall constitute Your consent to the changed terms.

Can you Opt-out?

  • You are not able to opt out from service announcements that contain important information about the Platforms including messages related to the implementation of this Privacy Policy and updates to it and/or to the Terms of Use.
  • You can stop all collection of information by the Application by un-installing the Application and/or by not visiting and/or using the Training4impact Platforms. To un-install the Application, You may use the standard un-install processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

Terms of Use

  • The Terms of Use are incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Your acceptance of this Privacy Policy shall constitute Your acceptance and agreement to the Terms of Use

Contacting Us including for Complaints

  • If You have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or how it applies to You while using the Platforms, or should You have questions about Our practices or wish to request details of what personal information We hold on You, please contact us by email at
  • If You wish to make a complaint about Our handling of Your personal data, please contact us by email at

Payment Policy

The payments made to Training4impact in exchange of courses, or any other services are non-refundable.

In case of partial payments or subscriptions, Training4impact reserves the right to withhold access to the enrolled course.