Data Analytics with R programming.

Introduction to data analysis 

Statistical theory. Statistical tools. 


  • Basics Data Types, Creating Vectors. Coercion for Vectors  
  • Data Frame, Matrices, Creating Lists, Basic Graphics, Customizing Plots.  
  • Data wrangling Tidyverse, Tidyr (gather, spread) 
  • Data visualization (ggplot2 (providing the data, tell ggplot2 how to map variables to aesthetics, what graphical primitives to use),  Plotly, Leaflet 
  • Reporting (RMarkdown, Shiny) 
  • Overview of predictive analytics 
  • Data preparation 
  • Clustering,  
  • Modeling (linear models, k-means clustering) 
  • Support vector machine 
  • Random forest 

Hands-On: Feature selection and model tuning 

Hands-On: Time-series forecasting

  • Association rules 
  • Dimensionality reduction 
  • Measuring performance 

Total number of Hours : 40

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